Artist Block Homework 3/26/09
E-mail in a quote by your favorite artist or an artist that you admire in some way. You can find it in an interview online or a magazine, book…wherever. E-mail it in to: Please send it in by April 1st in time for it to be on the April 2nd posting. Thanks!
"If you think you know, you don't know... If you know you don't know, you know." -Joshua Petker
E-mail in a quote by your favorite artist or an artist that you admire in some way. You can find it in an interview online or a magazine, book…wherever. E-mail it in to: Please send it in by April 1st in time for it to be on the April 2nd posting. Thanks!
"If you think you know, you don't know... If you know you don't know, you know." -Joshua Petker
This Week's Art and Artists
Kellyann Gilson Lyman
-mixed ink, pen, pencil, mixed pigment, glass crystal shavings
-mixed ink, pen, pencil, mixed pigment, glass crystal shavings
Hiroko Sakai
-Oil on canvas
-Oil on canvas
Patrick Marquis

-Pastel on paper

-Pastel on paper
Paolo Mejia

"The Ugly Side of Me"
Patti Heimburger

-oil on canvas
-oil on canvas
Much thanks to all the artists that have submitted artwork this week. This was the first artist post that I have done. You have to start somewhere! Please feel free to keep sending in your artwork, spreading the word about this blog, and having fun expressing yourself! If you're feeling stuck on what to create, I will always try to post something new for the artist block homework, and even if you're not stuck, you can do that just for fun! See you next week!